Dear advertiser, you are not the target market of my campaigns. My magazine has an audience and I am very successful at reaching them. They are the independent, successful, young adults with budding aspirations and knowhow. If you think I have spammed in some way by having you read my magazine you are wrong. My magazine is entertaining, it is free, and it is a demonstration of advancement that I would like to share. I have a vision for the magazine to take root in the Sabana Centro and be a platform for greater exposure for the area globally. I see myself moving into other markets with a similar platform to operate independently of Milla de Oro Magazine and have their own properties. I feel that the Sabana Centro in its outer reaches has much land to offer growing corporations and can be a sustainable inland port that reaches all of Colombia. The infrastructure growing around us demonstrates the high expectations we have, and I believe I am meeting those challenges with my magazine and THE target market is appreciating my work. So I would like you to understand advertiser that you too have a target market and I can save you time and money as well as great results in reaching a target market that I’m very happy to call that of Milla de Oro Magazine.
Septemeber-October 2018