video is gold.
Making videos that encompass everything is hard. It seems to need a theme and subject that captures the community in its entirety. One such movement that has done that in the Spanish speaking community is Bacanería. This word can mean several things and gives a meaning to life for many in the resort living environment who serve. The twist of tongue in the Spanish language that changes the small v to a big b, shows that this word first got its origin from vacano which means neat. The change of consonants in some Spanish language communities that try and relate themselves back to Spain makes it bacano. However, the more real language of Spanish knows that vacano is the true root.
Having the word change leads to some references to banco or bank. So, the integrity of one’s financial wellbeing in being happy is fully funded in being neat. The movement itself is called bacanería. This movement of finding happiness and richness in one’s life to be happy with oneself and the community you find yourself is incredibly well intentioned. It is good to hear that people can have a good time explaining the most profound relation they have with their environment through one word and video that expresses all their feelings.

Bacanería draws people in and attracts them to fill themselves with joy and encourages them to freely move their bodies with life. So, people dance, sing and live. They go to all reaches of personas to find someone who has not experienced the freedom of telling what bancanería means to them. The real reason vacano began is because of ganadores or winners. This directly translates to cattlemen. The relation is clear that simply by enjoying what you eat, there will be more on the table when you come again. This is a spiritual reference to the Spanish Bible of God drinking wine and coming everywhere as it relates to those that fed him in my last edition, language cigüñal cartoon.
Some people try to avoid words, like ok. Others enthrall on what can be said to make things happen. Thinking that movements can be created because of a simple word and cultures can be defined and thrive for many to come and enjoy and partake in the ceremony of recording what is displayed is amazing. Writing this article continues the sentiment that was created through watching the video and there is only hope for more. I was looking for a video that encompasses the whole worth its value in gold. Bacanería is certainly something worth banking on as gold with the more people buying into it the more valuable it becomes. Simple as that.