I read a few people that have something like blogs but in emails to me. One is Ben’s Newsletter that he sends out every month. Somehow, I met him and gave him my email in one of the years he was in China a long time ago as he now travels the world in search of AI. He now has over 36,000 emails that he reports to. There is another email out of MIT from a graduate that seems to have a sense of wit about him. I find him humorous as most of what he tries to say is smart and off the wall. I like to think of myself as having an expanded blog or email and that I have many articles to read at the end of the two months, almost like another book. On top of the book I have out, Words Will Never hurt Me.

I have been working quietly over the last few months since October when a tornado hit the day before I released my eleventh edition in Dallas. I was able to create one Party Mix that I released. I do not have the numbers as to who listens to these party mixes because they are connected directly to my Onedrive and there aren’t analytics for that. The same with my book Words Will Never hurt Me that was on sale on Cyber Monday, I can’t see who picks up my book with the link other than when they purchase it with PayPal. So, I am not sure how the book I am editing now, Bland Book about getting Words Will Never hurt Me to market, will fare as a result.
Recently, due to my neighbor I now have access to Masterclass and watched Margaret Atwood with enthusiasm as well as R.L. Stine who has led me to allow for danger in my writing, something I will explore again in my next edition. I’m still on hiatus from the calling of cyber warfare. Now, I am modestly discussing flying cars in the next two years when Uber opens an office in Dallas and easily accepting self-driving cars. Although I am not inclined to try one out without the money. I also watched Mentorbox with Tai Lopez and the start of the 67-day challenge. I was encouraged about the people who are practical, social, active, and emotional. Knowing that I have passion in my magazine and believe in the details keeps me going. I couldn’t sell it to my grandma as she only cares about birthday cards right now, she’s 98. But, for other people who are not all about consumption of the new thing, my magazine does help people be more aware.

Before the end of the year I finished Newsroom on TV a special on KERA and it led to Resonance where all that we do is tracked immediately. That everything is on the market as soon as it is produced. Probably the reason why I have been seeing green mangos on the market in suburbia. No amount of chili powder and salt should sway you from wanting a ripened mango. I’m receiving emails from the Interpreter, Watching and Paul Krugman on the New York Times but don’t get around to reading them lately. I hardly even get into The Briefing. I have been paying attention to my notifications and have not been engaged with what I am being pinged with. ABC News is becoming more interesting than the NYT on my phone, although I love the NYT app when they put out a big story. I’m not sure if people share NYT material but those people in my small circle would be interested. There have seemed to be few opportunities to comment without staying up to date. The impeachment hearings were swell as the democratic only runoff is too one-sided. Trump still seems to hold the crowd better than ever these days.
There have been several movies to see at the turn of the year that are family oriented. Tony’s recuperating and healing legs shook through the whole movie while watching Ford v Ferrari. I thought it was a fun movie and I enjoyed the film making. It brought together many components in real life that are interesting and that the age-old dream before space flight used to be enthralled with for competing. Jojo Rabbit had my favorite actress as of right now and for a while since Ghost in a Shell, who looks good in any magazine Scarlet Johansson. The movie in my family was able to be talked about over Christmas dinner, surprising to some but we did not have anything but good things to say from the movie’s livelihood and cartoon behavior. The romantic interest for such a young boy was put in the right perspective as being off limits and just a fantasy.

Volunteering I have worked for Tom Steyer and Elizabeth Warren. The Tom team was able to teach me how to talk about politics even when on the side of Trump in public. I am inclined to side with a President that has shown this country is strong. Not having to denounce anyone even if I am a Democrat. I would prefer to say that things work and let’s keep them working rather than learn to complain. Tom allowed me to make some calls for him in his support. Elizabeth brought me out for a second time, since I was back in the States earlier in the last year to canvas flyers across my old neighborhood. The group that met at Starbucks only went to Democratic houses and nobody in their homes seemed opposed to Warren having the opportunity. People under 40 didn’t seem to have the opportunity to talk and the people who had a voice were older.
A great concern of mine is to write thankyou cards after the holidays. I wrote only to those that I had a direct presence from over the Christmas day. I was able to type each of them a page or more and print their letters on my new letterhead for this magazine. I tried to keep the point clear that I was thanking them for their input into my endeavors for the next year. A few I had motives, and upon following up with my motives, they were dissolved. So, even though there was some holiday cheer, the result was nil. I was just thankful for passing the time and I expressed that. I did receive a thank you letter from my nephew and he had even taken the time to watch my full-length video on the cover of my tenth edition, something I really take to heart that he did that for me.

Recently I have increased the number of people I am asking to be my friend on Facebook. Just about every suggestion that Facebook makes I follow up with a request. I’m doing that not only on my business account but also my personal account. I have felt that on my personal account I should do something first, but in many cases, especially myself being without a car to go to reunions, I can just send the request. I’ve also investigated the secondhand market on Facebook and still have not bought much for myself other than soap and coffee on Amazon after Christmas. At least I looked at a truck and hard wood floors.
There is a psychiatrist I am seeing, Dra. Hartford and the first two times I honestly did not know how she was helping; it wasn’t till the third time that I was confused from the night before with my treatment that she put me on track. This last time we discussed that therapy is supposed to find the necessary measures for change in my life and I don’t have to make them up on my own. What those changes are going to be are something we are going to have to discover. Needing people to read what I write still doesn’t seem to be convincing.

I’m continuing to go the gym as before the New Year when I was full of strength but have lost my manhood during the workout. My weights are much lower, and the reps aren’t that high. I seem to have lost control of my confidence and feel uneasy a lot throughout the day looking for my wife who isn’t here. I’m eating less thinking I need a diet because of the weight gain I had over the holidays, but the weight gain was 14 lbs. of muscle and now that there isn’t enough food, my muscle mass is deteriorating.
I took back to making reviews on Google, noting the places I’ve been and having good things to say. As Karim from City Café recently said, he recognizes those that make reviews. So maybe these places that I’m leaving comments know who I am. It is hard to say. Not many people let on that they know about me. Even people that I’m friends with who have my magazines say there are still many things they don’t know me. Not many people have read my book, but those people probably do say they know me. When I leave a comment on Google, I eventually think it will lead back to readers of my own material no matter how someone finds me.

Reunions are becoming regular and I’m trying to make more. It’s a load of commitment to get into the recovery crowd and there is a lot you can do if you push yourself. However, I’ve taken on the task of my magazine and writing and trying to separate them from my recovery and so I am indeed more attached to my writing. I don’t know what is wrong with paying for your own birthday party. For eating out at times like these I would most likely choose the same restaurants as I’ve been going to recently. Places like Torchy’s, Dunston’s, Bistro B, Shake Shack, The Drip, and the others that can be found through Grinnin Gringol on Google Maps.
Even though I have been doing all this I have even managed to save a few dollars on my minimum wage allowance from my employers. This writing is up to them as to who will read it, because I get dinner tonight luckily. I can seem to get around on only a few hundred dollars a month. There seems to be no expenses other than coffee and the tools for the magazine I charge on my Gold card, paying that off as soon as the bill comes in.

The secret to my magazine is not saving anything for the next edition. It’s about painting the full picture of all the ideas I had. Even if that is completely exhausting, I plan to capture all the details so that I am not randomly thinking when I’m with myself. It’s all for this edition and I have stated I plan to pick up cyber security, that is when it is an issue again. I’m even applying to jobs because I was trying to claim reduced hours in unemployment. Seeing as how I cannot financially turn away all my employers or I would be left with $164 a week, applying to jobs is just to show that I’m a fit. There are some examples I applied to that are over a 75% match in multiple categories. I’m qualified for a position anywhere between $64,000 and $148,000 a year but have not shown that I have any experience in the United States. Therefore, I am going to try my best to keep things moving with my resolutions.