The country is at a standstill about how the 2020 election will be interfered with. In the last election it seemed as if outside countries were able to post media on social media to sway the vote. In the last few years, President Trump has been testified to interference and has defeated all accounts. I think this should be a testament to the fact that the US is capable of withstanding known threats on the digital front.

When I was in Colombia, almost all the photos I had on my MacBook disappeared at the hands of the Colombians through Wi-Fi and being on the carrier channel of Claro. I also ended up missing photos that were saved to my Google Drive and even photos missing directly from my Huawei phone that I had taken of my garden when moving into my new house. The photos were believed to be taken by my landlord who did not want me to have evidence of the work I had put into the property.
Even coming back to the US, I had written letters to my Grandma and they were taken in a hotel in Encinitas that were in relation to Colombia. Previously I had a key stolen while in Colombia when I moved into my new house that was used to break into my house in Dallas, enter my locked bedroom door and take my passport while I was away in California. When I found out, the police here in Dallas buzzed over my house in a helicopter as I ran out in my shorts with the white pockets pulled out letting them know I could see them react to my discouragement.
In Colombia, nearly anything is possible. That is why I wrote my book Words Will Never hurt Me the way I did, as I always felt anything I typed or did in the instant it was taken place was being monitored. I was heavily targeted during the campaign for Colombian President and felt that my electricity was turned on and off depending on how the authorities thought I was behaving.
Traveling to and from Colombia to the US and being in communication with my wife, I had the knowledge that my transmissions were being intercepted by the Colombians and were not delivered to my wife until they felt they wanted her to have them, some messages not even being delivered. There was no way to be in communication with my wife when I wanted to be, I had to wait and hope that the military personnel reading my messages would put her on call. It was distracting and I was not at liberty to talk to my wife. They were trying to separate us and even at one point were sending her messages that I was not writing that made her very upset. I was receiving messages of her telling me to stop what I was doing, when on my side I was sending her nothing.

The Colombia government seemed ill towards my attempt to showcase social media as a viable platform to draw in leads. Rather they wanted the highest levels, and I do mean highest levels including President Duque to be aware of my actions. I was not invited to formal gatherings and was not given permission to make blood money in their country. At all times in Colombia they wanted to keep foreigners separated, if they saw foreigners interacting, they sent ambulances in case there was a disruption to haul them in, to a cause they would generate.
So now I am beginning to paint a picture of the digital self, that Colombia felt they had all rights to disengage the dignity of a private life. When I went for the big time to sell diamonds, they had enough and would not let me be, I had made my mark by putting a ‘PAY ME’ sign on my yard in bricks for the entire military airborne units of two operations to see in the Sabana Centro as well as those taking off from the El Dorado airport heading North. They had enough of their military games as they flew over my house with drones and helicopters daily to check on my position.
I had to get the dog, Levi to start coming inside when they would have flyovers. I drank my coffee by the stove as I was tired of losing things. It made me suspicious of my wife as to her granting access to my personal collection of memories. I was even confronted by a Colombian man who lives in Canada about me wanting to hold onto my memories, something my landlord and the government there seemed to want to wipe away. I was losing what precious little I had, and they were getting the best of me.

I feel being open and transparent is the best for society but not if that means selling off anything and everything you hold dear. I have a right to hold onto my things and not have them mercilessly taken from me without compensation. I had so much that went away in Colombia and even here in the US as similarly I was going to post a nude photo, in the 11th edition of Milla de Oro Magazine, of myself and that has seemingly gone away from my OneDrive cloud account.
I have a warning for you that I have learned the hard way in that if you intend to share a collection with people digitally, they have the right to delete things out of the collection or alter them. But to go to the degree as the Colombians in taking every advantage to say you must share everything with us and we have the right to design you the way we see fit, asexually, is not in terms of manhood.
The government of the US had designed electronics, and allies across the globe to manufacture these devices. We are then able to use these devices on our own accord as first initiators into territories so that we may relay information back to ourselves or act on other devices the enemy has purchased from us. The US can turn things off behind enemy lines to allow ground and drone entrance into facilities that would otherwise be very risky to enter on arrival. With this boundary in place, the Navy, close at hand can act as a deterrent to full attack while more airborne installations are put in place to secure the disputed actions of the enemy, in many cases resolving the issue and allowing the US to pull out.
What we are wanting to see in this election is that other countries are not taking the steps to sell us their electronics or to develop our products for our use giving them the opportunity for submarine activity. Submarines at this age in 2020 are by far larger than what has been portrayed in any of the movies. They have been so covert; it is best to let them continue to stay submerged. However, this seemed to make no difference in the impeachment hearing, in that China now has nuclear weapons that can reach any shore, so when referring to North Korea the Chinese have the strong arm by far.

Our weapons deal now go hand in hand with interference. If China were to interfere with our elections, we would need to make a nuclear weapons deal with Asia. The Ukraine and Russia interfering with our elections is a weapons deal that many people have come to terms with over the course of Trump being President. Possibly one way to look at this upcoming election is the degree of interference we can handle. As the United States has a very high degree of sensibility to our own crimes of terrorism on our own soil in the deaths of large number of people at the hands of ourselves, the rest of the world needs to stand back. We are making progress as a Nation to curb mass shootings and foreign governments making a case that they are not the cause or trigger for our citizens is not justifiable.
The United States needs a peaceful election, even if that means our attitudes and mistakes are felt by many when we only meant to interact on a smaller scale. Every person in this country wants the best for themselves and their families. It is possible, we are close, it will happen, we have learned to complain. Now is when you want to feel that each moment has it’s time and place and is succinct. If you are out of tune with your timeliness, please work on your behavior. Act and feel present. Receive the information you want and keep records of your own making. Regurgitate what you have learned, chew the fat, and spit out the cud.