Brad Sykes is someone who learned how to have the salesman skills under his belt because for some time he was even knocking on doors and knew what it took to land the clients, find them as well.

Turning 41 and having a new life ahead of him with a clear course to keep doing the next right thing, his daughters have come back into his life. At 20 and 18, one of them looking to get married, Brad has every intention of keeping the past behind him and the future clear. Brad says he has only been roofing for a year and a half, but the way time has gone by and his good fortune it’s a whole new life for him and the journey has been filled with wonderful surprises.

He gives thanks now to his friend Steve Mayeda, and others. Keeping connections tight where the bonds seem to make for a better life. Look to them for hope and aspiration. In only three years he has moved through three cars, from living in the first one, into a four-bedroom house. Through the years even before times seemed to be too rough to handle, Brad was at a job he hated working as a server. Then an opportunity came up through a friend, to work in sales at Acclaimed restorations. They threw him to the wolfs and paid him bad.

Brad has had about 2 different roofing jobs including Acllamied restorations, where he moved onto Stratton Roofing with a lifelong friend. He was forced to choose his career over his friend so that he could continue with his progression and drive that force he found within himself for the first time to continue onward. But times didn’t get any better when he moved to Acclaim and had another good friend die of a heroin overdose.

It wasn’t until Brad found Absolute construction through a mutual acquaintance DJ Walker and the owner Daniel. Here he was able to lay a firm foundation on the skills he had already picked up and Absolute taught him how to do his job correctly making little or no mistakes along the way. Making a true tradesman out of Brad.

There are about 40 people at Absolute construction and the company has now branched out of state. Brad has been able to get himself into a referral network of about 13 roofers beating out the competition on his third try and was able to secure 1.4 million in revenue for Absolute last year. He takes home about 50% commission and walked away with well over six figures last year. This time he was able to make his mark in the referral network because his personality was a fit for this group.

Brad’s passion right now is going to concerts, he can afford them at this point and his friends are more than willing to spend a night out enjoying themselves after busting themselves to be another day on the job. His passion is straightforward, and he has learned how to give back to the community. Every roof needs to be repaired by the best hands available and Brad makes that happen with Absolute construction. There is no slow in the market, and the roofs seem to keep getting bigger and better for repair. Brad still has a lot of years of work ahead of him and he is taking things one day at a time.