Pinterest in many ways is a magazine made by every user. When people collect pins and make boards, following themes this creates a profile that is much like one edition of a magazine. People need to take great care that what they put together is not overly heavy in one area if they are trying to put together many interests. For example, on my Pinterest I had a time where I pinned many things about raising a puppy. If you look only at my pins section of Pinterest and scroll down, you will slowly go through the various sections as in a lifestyle magazine and then hit the part about dogs that goes on and on till the end.

Looking at the boards, some of my topics are mixed up and not fully concentrated on the actual name of the board. I think some people take an interest to curate their findings carefully. Making boards much the same as the public themes. Having a board that looks much like a theme allows people to follow your board directly from when searching in an idea.
Being that Pinterest is only one magazine per account, it would be difficult to say that some people have created more than their personal magazine with their account. Pinterest is something you want to go back in change to achieve greater mental maps that will show your interests to an onlooker. Not paying attention people will utilize what they want. Having pins that are of only interest to you, distracts people from following you. It is important to have a more general concept in mind that people can relate to, not something they need to put aside from the rest of the collection you have made to understand. Having just one pinup that is only of your liking, much like a fantasy poster on your wall in your grand home, makes the rest of the house separated. This is not the goal of trying to find a seemingly choreographed personal magazine with Pinterest.
With Pinterest you pin things you like, and often this comes together quite strangely when you have looked back to try and see where your interests lie. It is the same as liking things from the radio, often you are in the moment of liking something and when you go back to a song because you liked it, in the new moment you feel completely different. So, when going back to Pinterest to try and identify your areas of strength, it is best to align your interests with the right topics and label them accordingly.
When someone does have a good magazine put together, it is of your interest to follow them. This will allow you to go back to them as guides for your own creation of your personal Pinterest lifestyle magazine. If you only stick to themes, it’s important to try and like what will continue to bring you fresh notifications and not just the same pins as what everyone has. Having people try your pins and save them is the best achievement you can have, giving someone to do something just as you would if you were the boss is the aim. I’m striving to get people to be creative now and the taking care of my dog has been relinquished to my wife.