The needy in the news are all over the place. Charities looking for donations are right behind them. There is no way this country is supposed to run on charitable handouts. Everyone seems to start some sort of benefit organization to collect money and have a call center to collect. You do not know who you are giving to or what they do with your money. The donation companies just like corporations come up with a catchy name that you are supposed to respond to and feel that they are acting in your own best interest. But, what can they do with your money but spend it the way they want on themselves as they portray the aid of others? Most charitable causes are not worth giving to except for show and to be part of the hype of celebrities that need to show they are giving.
You hear rich women with makeup on and jewels crying out for the children that they want to hear cry themselves. They say they stand up for children who suffer because they can think of no better way but to think of suffering. There are those that say in these times we are in crisis and people will think of any crisis to stand for because people are reacting to anything. Most people simply want to give their money to someone who says they will look for the problem, so they can look the other way.
If your neighbor is having a problem, it is not best to give to an organization that you think will help them. The money will never reach them, and they will not wind up on some hit TV show to showcase their problems. The money is not going to be used to develop another series in which a person will be saved. That is not the point of an organization that is founded on charity to broadcast to the world. People do need money and the charities are not going to give any of that money in the form of handouts. They are going to spend it on what makes their cause greater and more pampered.
The word charity has been in several of this magazines Cigüñal cartoons. It is more powerful than love or faith. The news thrives on making people look bad and they do that to the charities benefit. The amount of money spent on the news to make people look like they can socialize by picking out the faults of others is critical to the people who are under classed. The news and charities believe that those who are held back like minorities and religious organizations should have money gathered in their name. The media on the television continually try and find someone to make look bad in hopes that person will fall. People rally for others to fall and the news promotes this from a safe distance. Instigating the animosity for those who have less. The news continues to suppress those in public for any reason they can and expect people to feel in one way or the other to give.
Then the people who want to represent those that have their handout, stick their handout further. Thinking that you can get your tax refunded charitable cause on the news seems like easy money. There is not even a reason why the President of the United States must raise money except that it is required to run. There is no point in that. Why should you have to give what you have earned to your leader? It is a mistake to think that your little money can influence an organization to act on your behalf for something you feel ashamed of from seeing on the news. It is not necessary to point out the poor in this country if you are not directly putting them at a status that is well within means of a sustainable life.
There is no experience like the news channels trying to guilt you into giving to someone you do not know or even want to trust. Supporting a group will not give anything in return for what you have done to show your solidarity. Now it is simply a way for people to get their names on the news to say that they are donating to a catchy cause. Saying they have done work with people who have come together to try and better themselves to learn the ways of those who have more. The news has endless hours to fill and the needy are only a blip in time when something appears. The attractiveness of saying you respond to the news with your money, and that you think someone else will take care of the problem is laziness.