Pursue your dreams
Pursuing your dreams can be easier said than done. It is very easy to talk about our dreams but it is not that easy to get them done. In order to make your dreams come true, there are many things you should work towards. It is very important to keep it at the back of your minds that your dreams do not have any obstacle but you. No one can stop you if you do not stop yourself psychologically. We all know that most of the impediments we construct abstractly for ourselves originated from the deepest parts of our minds.
In addition to that, try to pursue your dreams geared towards making some long lasting impact in other people`s lives. The most difficult part is how to start but you will see that as soon as you start pursuing your dreams everything will fall into their rightful places. In other words, the most important part of pursuing your dreams commences with the fact that you are willing to start.
If you are thinking about pursuing your dreams, do not just keep thinking about them. Do something about the dream. You need to be actively involved in working towards your dream. In other words, you need to act based on what you are thinking about. You should be reminded that there are no formulas designed to pursue your dreams. Instead you should create your own formulas. “The truth is when you pursue your dreams, sometimes formulas work. Sometimes they don`t work. That`s how new formulas are created. That`s how you improve. Create your own formula to achieve your dreams“ www.workitdaily.com
There is another thing you should keep in your mind. Your ideas are basically without a price tag. Therefore, you should try to execute them. “Breathe life into an idea, act, execute“. That means you should just try to make your dreams a reality by working tirelessly towards them. You may have set backs. It is normal but never give up for a second.
Keep it at the back of your mind that the time to get things done is now. Do not ask too many questions, just get things done your own way. Swallow your pride and fears. People may turn you to their laughing stock but never give a damn and just stop asking irrelevant questions. All you need to do is to keep practising in order to be perfect in whatever you are doing as rightly mentioned in the “ www.workitdaily.com, “practice is the growth to perfection. The more you do, the better you become. Everything takes practice including pursuing your dreams.“ The most important is to start pursuing your dream now and experiences will set your learning process in the right track.
Finally, it is very important to remember that anxiety is different from risk. In other words, anxiety is just something abstract and sometimes unreal but risk is real and it is worth taking. It is better to try to do something than not to do it at all. You need to remember that anxiety is an impediment to successful future but risk -taking is an open door to the world of opportunities. That means it is very important to know where to start from. Always try to remind yourself that “ having a dream and not pursuing it could be tantamount to taking a bigger risk.“

Safe to take over computers for kids
It is crystal clear that many kids use computers without adult supervision. They are left alone at their own discrepancies to use, search and analyse information that can be said to be inappropriate for them. However, we may be wrong or just jumping to conclusion. Is it safe for kids to use internet and computers without anybody watching or paying attention to them? You and I know that everything is computerized from homes to our schools in this 21st century. In fact, many kids can use computers better than many adults.
Come to think of it, it is becoming increasingly necessary that they must use computer to find information on their own. If we have to teach kids responsibilities and some sense of autonomy, it is important to allow them to use computer with less supervision. It is believed that by doing so, we can ensure some critical thinking skills or some cognitive skills needed to be independent thinkers and responsible citizens.
In addition, it has been established that kids using computers can improve their communicative skills and creativity in the long term. The fact that, their linguistic competence and communicative competence are increased, they tend to become better academically. In other words, it was stated by the “United States Department of Commerce: computer use can also improve academic growth and expose children to worlds they might not encounter otherwise“ according to Barbara Dunlap of www.hellomotherhood.com
That being said https://guyanachronicle.com stated that another reason that computer is safe for kids is that in Guyana and just like everywhere in the world, the schools are closed due to COVID – 19 and kids are left less options but to learn how to use computers in other to have access to their teachers and classrooms. To further corroborate the fact that computers have some developmental benefits for children , “research suggests that 3 and 4 years old children exposed to computer activities that reinforce major educational objectives have greater developmental gain that children not exposed to computers….“ Equally important worth mentioning is that computers for kids can include some improvement in intelligence, manual dexterity, verbal skills, conceptual skills, cognitive skills, non-verbal skills, long term memory, problem solving and structural knowledge. “For kindergarteners and early elementary students, the benefits of computers include improved motor skill increased math skills, increased creativity and higher scores on standardized tests“ https://guyanachronicle.com
Above all, the exposure of kids to computers can improve their intercultural competences and it can make them subconsciously understand the unspoken words or the silent information of textbooks. They can learn about the way other culture and countries operate. In essence, they can keep in touch with families, friends, relatives and they “will be able to research career opportunities as well as the universities that can prepare them for their chosen profession.“
By Austin Fabamuyi