While in Colombia the worst-case scenario persisted in my thinking to make my every move dependent on the outcome that could always be made to be horrific with the cause for destruction no matter the intent. Even trying to strive for a better community and a town with leadership, the vile incessant need to destroy families and any wellbeing they may have had from experience was ripped from their namesake and regarded as reasons to defame a person and their entity. Merits and credits that were earned were ill begotten tools of subjugation that could only cause harm to those that had their hand out demanding that you bow to their ignorance. Americans are much the same as Colombians in that any gratuity for life is seen as an ill composed desire to benefit from seeking pleasure.
Coming to the US and presenting a magazine with a Spanish name has been treachery for the business that was created. Even in Colombia those that wished to learn English did not want to pay for services from those that had experience based on their credentials. Rather they considered English too trivial and obsolete, something not worth pursuing and only for their children to be forced to learn as the parents would take no responsibility to acquire the knowledge themselves. Leaving many of their children in the dark as to how to accomplish any goals they made or to what benefit they would have in the end. The parents offered no moral support for the learning of new languages or cultures. Here, the same rings true with Spanish as the saying goes every Hispanic in Texas is from Mexico.
Speaking Spanish in Colombia, the locals often looked at the person they were speaking to and assumed they were speaking the language of that person even though everything conversed was in Spanish. That is true ignorance. Here, when speaking Spanish some Hispanics refuse to listen thinking that it is not part of their need to prosper and portrayed as diminutive for the speaker. Again, pushing it upon their children to learn the language for them. This is very much true with the race war we are speaking of today. I have seen evidence as shown to me by Greecy that some adults purposely teach their children that they are being missed treated and that people think they act differently. What parents are teaching kids now is that of privilege and we are to assume that the color of your skin will make this the dependent factor, something I find incredibly shallow. I have never listened to many stars that use vile commentary to get ahead and are now able to present themselves on a pedestal for model behavior, possibly 2Pac, but never admired the cultural need for debauchery and lude behavior exonerated by those pressing the shallow nature. Even when I have tried to bear witness to those who scream in color for action, I am often left robbed or without witness fending for myself in disbelief. Yes, that is also true with the Led Zepplin.
Why was facial recognition technology was really taken off the market by Amazon and Microsoft? Knowing that it indeed works properly in other countries even though we are seemingly required to shelter those who want privacy in this country. People could be properly identified for their misconduct in the protests and pay the fines to the cities and people they destroyed. Being responsible for these consequences will lead many to seek help from doctors and the new wave of medicines is simply to combat the wild hypothesis of the unfair treatment with known street drugs as they are now being tested as possible cures. I agree with Trump that there is a war on drugs and everyone demonstrating a very tranquil character even when faced with adversity to appear before the screen to pray for us all in the name of differences based on appearances is very subversive. Inoculating people is not the way to fight the spiritually unfit even if some people would like to be surrounded by it in their neighborhoods.
People are fighting themselves internally and externally. As John Stewart said those with money are just fueling the fire for control. I have been led to believe that some of this fight for control could be funded by communism. It is hard to believe that masks are not free. Mr. Stewart also said that Trump is going to walk out of this with the I-beam swinging and the building collapsing behind him unscathed. That is how most people are looking at this situation right now and the end is up for grabs. In Colombia they are simply waiting, expecting, and drawing on the day that bombs will drop on Bogotá. They have no desire for longevity but only the quick money, just ask anyone who would like to do business down there and they will ask you for the immediate return first. Just like cocaine up your nose. There is a belief going around that all that is good that manifests itself in praiseworthy ideals of holiness are to be accepted for their works. There is only said to be total chaos in every other thing. The secrets people keep showing that they are doing good should be brought to light, to see we have our hand out too.