Anderson Cooper does not need a heart to be composed as a digital character through augmented reality on CNN. The portrayal of Anderson Cooper can easily be identified as to what are his unique frame of mind when questioning his guests. This can be used for predictive speech and prompts to be inflected upon the augmented digital character to replace the real Anderson Cooper. The world is seemingly eager to replace someone with this type of technology and my guess is that Anderson Cooper is a welcome candidate. Not only is the lighting and makeup already engaged in presenting a character ready to be emblazoned on the screen without the need for error, the savvy in the guests portrayal to be moderately stimulated, seemingly exacerbating on the inside with frustration but not being able to deliver the assault for Anderson Cooper to pick up himself. Anderson rather remains with dialect all the time, and there are those that would rather see a computer take over such a position.
Finding that your favorite News reporter would indeed lead you to suspicion about who owns the rights to such a personality. Would Anderson Cooper be able to have ownership of his new character and thus not have to work any longer with the wheels in place to take over his show? What would happen to the Vanderbilt stock if the family left the news broadcasting room to be maintained by a robot? It would probably be fine, if not better than ever. It would give a new meaning to Fake News even if everything coming out of the digital Anderson Cooper’s mouth had already been fact checked before the words were said. I think many guests would feel comfortable still coming on the show to play with the new digital Anderson Cooper. This would be before they themselves thought it necessary to need one too, an overpriced doll for sure.
The relatability factor to a digital Anderson Cooper has been proven in teens to be more attractive and understanding to them. It is odd that to identify with something you must have a reason first not to identify. The digital nature of someone who is looking to support you or draw you into their support circle acts as a free guidance and seems not to require commitment or hurt feelings. The digital Anderson Cooper could be even more politically damaging to those who crossed his path, in that Anderson the person would no longer be the one biting the bullet every time he presses on with an issue. In fact, there would be supporting details as to why a computer would act the way it does, and this would add validity to any statements the digital Anderson Cooper were to make.
Anderson Cooper could be made into a non-stop talking computer screen without commercials that would constantly rely on guests to try and rally the computer generated image to bring more insight into the big picture with details from even the most tangential angles. You could tune in anytime of day to see him mind streaming, this is all while the real Anderson continually critiques the performance of his robotic interface provided to him by CNN. The fault in persuasion would no longer rely on the television camera and it is subject, rather it would depend on how instructions are learned and obeyed to eventually be modified by the digital character. Believing this is done within 100ths of thousandths of a second, one could stand to see the argument of improvement and desire for an augmented digital Anderson Cooper to take over the position of the CNN anchor.