In the theater to build a theater is the way homes are being made now. Construction begins inside a warehouse where the walls are fitted and tested. Going over the complexities of speed of construction and independence of the need for a great deal of integration with the compliance utility officers. There are ways to just plug in your house on any plot of land without that has been made barren by bulldozing so you can hook it up yourself. These houses are made for moving and to be put up like tents as they unfold and pop into place. They are like shacks with four walls that are prefabricated. The footprint of these buildings is exact, and they will probably be lined up requiring no need for their initial build inside the warehouse, except to avoid the weather. Seems like these buildings would need to be tested in the worst possible conditions to see if they are worth their build.
Rather than popping up prefabricated houses in the sun light of a dessert for people to be isolated, they should be allowed to come with land that needs to be supported. That shows the skill of living and all the elements and people combined to create a home. Each home is its own play and it should be constructed to allow for changes in the script. Having a home that cannot be changed means that those acting within the walls will have to change themselves. This is to overcome the complacency and stagnant mellow lockout that would ensue. There are not many people that want to design their own cell, only to have brick and mortar be their walls to decorate. Finding new ways to maneuver, especially on your drive home are a desire of many. Taking the same road home by the cemetery as the world falls apart coming back to your treasured place to take comfort is disheartening. While others destroy the world around us in no effort to add beauty to the world, some homes are the only refuge they can acquire to keep a distance.
There are those that have no concept of what they want and those that have no money even to want to look. Some people make their homes as a place to pretend that they are living much beyond themselves, everyone wishes for their independence, but few attain that. There is no sense in building a house that is supposed to be interdependent unless you are to have people come to your house for sweat equity. Only in the times of the Civil War did people build each other houses to make themselves safe and meaningful with the power of the spoken language. Today even your house must scale to be sold again. That is why people have adopted the home office so religiously in many parts of the world. There is no longer a studio where many people go to for their show and tell, rather having someone with a digital connection come into your house is the only way they will enter.
The theater of life has changed and so has the meaning of a household. Tradesman keep their skills tightly with them and continue to hope that they are fulfilling the desire of the contractor. They simply want to get in and out with no second nature or pursuit of confrontation as to whether the homeowner knows more about regulations. Some houses may appear impossible to build and people do not want to go somewhere that is not free for them to enjoy that is greater than what they know. Having traveled around the world through media, there is destruction when people horde upon themselves to live. Preservation is closely guarded although many continue to trek and stop those from striving for independence. Skills to attain this can be lost, and they are difficult to relearn if you decide to be apart of a community that only wants bad news and bad delivery and not to seek the diamonds in the ruff. Throwing that away much like the action of people who don’t know what to do with it is like the trash man that comes to your house wherever you may find a place to set foot to be seen as a perilous comrade. Even throwing away your digital footprint that very well may be the foundation to your livelihood is a treacherous road to wander without a home that beckons you.