The first time I ever saw a glimpse of the augment was when I put on my new glasses a little over a year ago and went to North Park. It was there that you could see the amazing linear and spatial workmanship of the interior design. The building itself is something that would be hard to recreate just be looking at it. The horizons of all the extended corridors seem to magically align without reason, because if you take a remarkably close look not everything is parallel and at right angles. It is amazing the building was so carefully put together to allow for optical illusions and so I deemed it the perfect opportunity to be viewing the so-called augment. The augment being an environment that can be transformed or altered. And North Park does that throughout the year with the colors, vegetation, art, stores, and many other design factors to let your eye continue to be captured in attention through it’s long corridors, which are indeed not perfectly aligned around its structural posts.
I again saw what appeared to me to be the augment when I soon went to the DFW International Airport and upon entering the area for the gates, the signage within the hallways captured my attention adding a real sense of depth to my perception that I had not seen before. I became aware that many horizons can be captured in single pan across the scope of vision. As if there are multiple points of interest to coverage your vision upon that require you to change the dynamics and scope of your 3d model of pursuit each time you scan and change subjects. I was amazed to learn that by changing one’s attention from one point to another, required a change in the entire field of vision. I began looking for subjects that would heighten the sense of three dimensions, something I could see to draw me forward. I would take a break and look at the ads within the terminal and how they went on from gate to gate, many in a row in sync and easily identify what I was trying to put together, called the augment.
There are places that do not consider the need to find special recognition. Some designs do not give you a sense of depth and even can come to the point of filling the space with eye contamination. It becomes too hard to find the augment and sense of space in these environments. It seems difficult that a designer could recreate such and scene, leading you to look towards other innovative places to go and move on. The augment can be captured as well through augmented reality in the form of glasses that impose digital guides on your vision. I am looking forward to the day I can see this, as I have asked for this many times when looking to get on board with JinsMeme. However, I have never been able to make this a reality. I would like the augmented frames to be prescribed to my vision requirements. I know I am old fashioned for not having Lasik as well. It seems that many people have a better concept of what I am writing about that I do myself. That motivates me to keep thinking about what life could be like so that when I eventually do have an opportunity to enjoy it, I will to the fullest and not let it go.
I want to see to it that the augment eventually gives real answers to real problems, like the way elevator repair men can now take their team with them remotely when they go on the job. Going into a gathering and being able to get the hints I need to remember peoples’ names; would be the best service I would adopt from the augment I am looking forward to soon. I would be using information that is my own to stimulate action within my own environment, which does not pertain to any privacy rights that any onlooker may be concerned. The augment would be a true gift to give myself to employ my time in learning how to use effectively.