Traveling through life, I have exhausted my life’s value by the age of 37 until 40. Even if I have lived at the US poverty line for the last ten years of my life at $20,000 a year; the first three decades of my life cost my parents $500,000 dollars each. I don’t know what anyone would want of me now that there is no more value I can bring to this life. Everyone on this planet is worth the same in 2025. How you plan to relieve yourself of your worth is up to you.

My wife, Jeimmy cannot bear to be worth $9,000 dollars a month in maternity. I child that is worth a little over a dollar at birth can bring in 26 million dollars by the time the person passes. I am one of those people. I never had the discussion in high school about the value of social media. Social media and being paid to broadcast are not one of the things I have in my repertoire. However, having a price tag put on my sexual value that is not prostitution.

Rather, instead of prostitution the term is more like what women have come to call humanities. Women feel they are the sole guidance mechanism to life on this earth and that all men do are politics and war with technology. Yes, robots will come to take your weapons away if you do not bury them.

In my life’s journey I was a bar 7 in sharp shooting class. I did not get a chance to stand long enough to get above a 45 on my target. However, I have shot five dove out of the sky with three shots before, reloaded and shot down three more with a shot gun. I know there is a gun in my parents’ house, and I am not able to go for it, as I am bipolar and cannot receive a gun. The magazine on the other hand in all its wonder and beauty, like the couchette on a woman’s brassiere is what I am after.

This Halloween I am giving away Pez to the children who come into our cul de sac, as I want to introduce them to the most illusive candy there is in the name of magazines. My grandparents, who are with me in pictures in the room I am right now and prisoners who also died in WWII along with my grandmothers who barely survived to live on, have all experienced the power of scissors over magazines. In the real world this would be theft deterrent by those that slip the magazine out of your weapon before you release it. The same goes for Pez into your mouth or a digital magazine page at a swipe of the finger.

You really could say I have a trade job as a magazine publisher and giving what some would call bad advice. Being anti-christian due to my name and the medicine I take is bad advice in and of itself. I did not create Ekelium’s crown for myself in all the time I have been alive, oh no; it is for him. I am out there trying to find God in the travels of life like any other man and if you find Ekelium, please advise me to hurry to you with his crown of sexual thorns.

I do not believe I will find Ekelium flying in jets and I do
not see me finding him walking around, I do not think I will find him with an
app, nor do I think Anderson Cooper will find him. I have as much love for him
as Mary with a son named Jesus in the Latino culture, but I want to see Ekelium
wear what I have intended for him, as to save my own self. I will live my life
knowing I want Ekelium to have no other way out in life than to die for the
humanitarian good of us all. Yes, I am doing business as AC Grindl and burning
my book Words Will Never hurt Me just might save you from yourself as I
continue to travel aware and open.